Welcome to the Maintenance Blog for Radrick Farms Golf Course. Visit this blog to view pictures and other information about golf course projects and maintenance practices on the golf course.

Monday, May 26, 2014

What's Up With the Rough?

The golf course Maintenance Team has been hard at work this spring creating an exceptional golf course. While the golf course suffered some winter damage, we believe that our Team has done a great job repairing the golf course.
Growing Degree Day models show we are roughly 3 weeks behind "typical" weather for this time of year. For more information about Growing Degree Days, go to: http://www.wunderground.com/about/faq/degreedays.asp.
We are seeing the growth, especially in the rough, that we would see typically in late April/Early May. We are mowing rough daily to try and keep up with the amount of growth.

It has been a challenging season thus far, but the weather will get better and so will the conditioning. Thank you for your patience while we work to repair and maintain the golf course to our high standards.