The driving range tees receive plenty of use throughout the season. In order for turf to recover, we need your help filling divots with the supplied soil and seed.
Divots filled after practice. |
Filling divots isn't the only help we need. The proper use of the tee while practicing is one of the keys to turf recovery. The diagram below illustrates the proper and improper way to practice.
How divots should be spaced.
Also, we will be rotating the availability between the range mats, and the upper and lower tee boxes. There will be certain days when you have to take the extra few steps down to the lower tee box. Check our website for details on the mat schedule. We are rotating in this fashion in order to treat the tee box like a grow-in, providing plenty of opportunity for watering.
With your help, the correct fertility, water, and seed combination we can speed up the turf recovery for all to enjoy. Thanks for your help and dedication in making Radrick such a special place to enjoy.