Welcome to the Maintenance Blog for Radrick Farms Golf Course. Visit this blog to view pictures and other information about golf course projects and maintenance practices on the golf course.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tree Maintenance

Tree maintenance is a necessary practice on the golf course. Trees are trimmed or removed for the safety of our Team and customers first and foremost. Secondary to that, trees are maintained for the health of the tree and of the turf.   As far as a tree's effect on play-ability is concerned, we rely on subject matter experts before making any changes.

So far this winter, the Team has been removing trees that pose a hazard on the 6th hole. Unfortunately, a wind storm in late November took out the Cherry tree on the inside corner of the dogleg.  This tree had been cabled together several years ago to prolong its life, but its time had come.  We also planted several Poplar trees in front of this tree in preparation for this event.

Where aesthetics and play-ability are concerned, once a tree has been removed, we will watch this area closely for a full season of golf to determine if another tree or trees will need to be planted. 6 will be no different in this case.

Severe rotting at the base of tree above. Tree must be removed.